About Us

Addressing The Unaddressed is a nonprofit social enterprise founded by Alex Pigot and Tina Roche.

Our purpose is to provide a unique (postal) address to people who live in dwellings of unplanned settlements such as slums, shanties, semi permanent campsites etc.

Our work is carried out from our office in Kolkata, India where we are working in close collaboration with the Hope Kolkata Foundation. Our administrative office is located in Dublin, Ireland.

Addressing the Unaddressed was set up in response to the Universal Postal Union's ​“Addressing the world: an address for everyone” initiative. This initiative focuses on creating synergies between UN​ agencies, inter-governmental organizations and any other interested parties. The ultimate goal is to provide everyone with an address.

Our work will aid in achieving UN-Habitat's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 1 - no poverty, SDG2 - zero hunger, SDG3 - good health and well being, SDG4 - quality eductaion, SDG 5 - gender equality, SDG 6 - clean water and sanitation, SDG8 - decent work and economic growth, SDG10 - reduced inequalities, SDG11 - sustainable cities and communities, SDG13 - climate action, SDG16 - peace, justice, and strong institutions.)

Our Vision

Having a physical unique address enables a citizen to partake with relative ease in the necessary day to day activities such as social welfare entitlements, utility supply , schools, healthcare services or even to run a business. Having a unique address basically enables one to have an identity.

This is particularly true for those people who are recognised as being in the ‘base of the pyramid’ (BOP). There are almost 1 billion people worldwide categorized into this group living on less than $2.50 a day in urban slums.

Our vision is for any person who does not have a unique address, and especially those living in unplanned settlements (such as slums, shanties, rural villages) and who wishes to have an address, may have one.

The technology used will be of the most up to date 21st century technology that is user friendly, efficient and which is future proofed.

Our vision is informed by our belief that an address is an essential attribute for any citizen and that having an address is fundamental to citizenship, democracy, social justice, equality and is a basic human right.

We are funded by grants and donations.

We are a member of Dochas and adhere to their codes of conduct